Hello, welcome to my blog for :::DESiGN iT YoURSELF:::.
A store for prefabs and skyboxes in second life. I've recently
renbuilt my mainstore and as a builder, I'd like to just take a
second to introduce my building as my record.
Front entrance view
Side view01
Inside view01
Inside view02
I had to make this structure asap since I had my new item to
put out, but had no space. It took me 2days with lots of
concentration. As you can see this structure is a very
"open" design.
The interesting point for this structure is the pillars that is used
through out the building as a frame of window, as a design of
the roof and as a pole inside. These are acutally all a 1 prim
sculpted "fence" made by Setsuna Infinty, a fabulous Japanese
builder in second life.
One of my favorite things to do in second life is to look for
sculpts with potential. What I mean is to look for sculpted
items which you can find a lot in the marketplace for second life,
and look at it with creativity. Don't look at a sculpted prim as a
shelf just because it says "shelf". Look at it as a shape and imagine
what you can do with it by flattening it or turning it around.
Play around and you'll be suprised at how you could use it in many
different varieties. For me, the key for creating is to always have fun : )
*Note:As of july 8th 2012, there has been a slight change for my products and prices.