Builders for second life
My friend You Axelbrad, a awsome high quality
texture creator is producing a creative mall that is
only for builders. Many famouse builders of
second life is joining and there is still spaces to rent.
Got houses?
It's finally here and it's opening soon.
A mall that has only and I mean only architecture shop!
I'm not sure but might be the first in second life? Anyways,
I've been looking foward for this mall to open and I'm excited
to see how this place goes. A mall full of building shops...
that's totally a paradise for me. This mall is called "FREE STYLE"
It is opening from august and they are still looking for tenants that
would like to join. If you or your friend is a builder for second life
and has a shop you should definitely consider joining too!
If you love architecture I'm sure it'll be exciting : )
-Must join to FREE STYLE group
-Payments: One booth 50 prims/ L$500 a month
(platform(which could be edited), 1prim for your sign,
and teleporter is included as gift)
-Must build your own store in a 10m by 10m space with
a height under 15m
This mall is operated by a japanese community but if
you like to join this mall you can contact me by IM or
notecard and I think I could help you through for
translating : )
Official Blog (Japanese)
Owner:wakita Takaaki
Producer:You Axelbrad